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Welcome 2023 Lunch Event

by Teach For Lebanon - Dec 13,2022

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, Teach For Lebanon welcomed the year 2023 at its annual lunch in celebration of its achievements during 2022 along with its sponsors and donors.

The annual luncheon gathered the TFL team, Fellows, alumni, and English Access Microscholarship Program’s teachers, along with our friends and sponsors from the US Embassy and DHL. 

TFL's CEO, Mr. George El Assad, gave a cordial greeting and speech, followed by the US Embassy’s Public Affairs Officer Ms. Melissa O’Shaughnessy’s keynote address and a lead word from TFL's COO, Mr. Mouhammad Al Houssari. Last but not least, Ms. Manar Hammoud, the Access Program Coordinator, addressed the Access teachers. 

Additionally, as the event came to a close, TFL Fellows and instructors shared their thoughts and reflected on their journey during a series of questions asked and facilitated by TFL's education manager, Mr. Ahmad Kassem. Finally, a video was screened to the audience in which the Fellows conveyed their gratitude to TFL's Head of Education, Ms. Farah Abou Maita.

The gathering provided an opportunity to socialize, have a good time, and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year together while looking forward to a bright new year. 

TFL welcomes 2023 with open arms and a shared commitment to its goal as it works for a better Lebanon.

Where We Work

Paradis D enfant


Number of fellows: 5

"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world”

- Nelson Mandela -