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News >Access Alumni Closing Ceremony 2022-2024

Feb 24,2024
On February 24th, 2024, Teach For Lebanon and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut celebrated the successful conclusion of the 2022-2024 Alumni component of the English Access Microscholarship Program. Representing the U.S. Embassy in Beirut were Ms. Poonam Lewis, Assistant Information Officer, and Ms. Edith Bitar, English Language Coordinator, Public Diplomacy.

The ceremony featured the Lebanese and USA’s national anthems, a warm welcome by TFL’s Access Program Director, Mr. George El Assad, and an inspiring keynote by Ms. Lewis, followed by presentations on seven training workshops, 15 Alumni Mini-Grant community projects, and a lively networking activity. The closing ceremony concluded with the distribution of recognition certificates to the Mini-Grants’ 23 Access Alumni, then the audience engaged in further interaction over lunch.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world”

- Nelson Mandela -